The life of your campsites

Quirky interview with Camping Du Vieux Château

Here ? At our place? A vine without a doubt.
The vine and our seasonal camping life share similarities that can be explored to create an evocative parallel.

  • Seasonal life cycle: Just as the vine goes through seasons, from budding to leaf decline, our “life” experiences seasonal variations. Spring could symbolize renewal, summer the peak of activity with our customers, fall the harvest of memories, and winter a time of rest and preparation for the next season.
  • Growth and development: Like a vine that grows and bears fruit, our campsite must evolve with the seasons, adding new services, improving facilities and maturing with experience.
  • The beauty of simplicity: The vine, often appreciated for its simplicity and pleasure in wine production, can be compared to the simple and natural atmosphere of a small family campsite in the heart of nature, offering an escape far away from the hustle and bustle of daily life.
  • Conviviality and sharing: Just as vineyards can be places of conviviality where people come together to taste and share, our campsite must be a place conducive to meetings and the exchange of experiences between campers.
    The parallel between the vines and the rhythm of the seasons at the Vieux Château, attempts to highlight the cyclical beauty and sustainable growth in the environment, reinforcing the idea that each season brings something special, new but also stable and lasting.

Timon and Pumbaa, from Disney’s The Lion King. Did you want something offbeat? You have some !

Don’t see it as a physical comparison, Thom might take it badly. But it’s obvious that these two embody simplicity and sympathy through their unwavering friendship and their relaxed, comical and endearing approach to life.

Their “Hakuna Matata” (no worries) philosophy reflects a positive attitude towards challenges. They live simply, preferring to enjoy each moment rather than being overwhelmed by worries. This is how we design the different stages of our camping seasons. We also know that we have left our professional “stress” in our previous lives. Their casual humor and their disarming kindness make them easily lovable characters.

Despite their eccentric appearance, they demonstrate simple wisdom, offering lessons about friendship and tolerance. Like Timon and Pumbaa, we define ourselves as simple and quite friendly beings who try to add a touch of lightness to everyday life, which we hope is contagious.

Well, let’s be sincere, if we can compare ourselves to these followers of “Hakuna Matata” it is also and above all because we work on the superpower of anticipation, but we have not been able to find a superhero with this characteristic.

But the Fouées of course!

Fouées, these small balls of bread dough baked every week in the summer in our traditional wood-fired clay oven, are a wonderful image of a friendly moment of sharing.

Like us, Pélagie and Thom, the Fouées come from the Loire Valley region of France. In our memories, these little culinary wonders are often enjoyed with family or friends. Their individual format encourages sharing, with each guest being able to help themselves and garnish their fouée according to their preferences.

The act of cooking them outside, next to our customers’ tasting tables and sharing them creates a warm and friendly atmosphere. This conviviality of fouées also resides in the ritual of enjoying them together, hot, just out of the oven, often accompanied by various toppings such as cheese, cold meats, butter, honey or chocolate.

The simplicity of this dish, which ultimately is just bread, encourages a relaxed and informal exchange between guests, reinforcing the idea that fouées are much more than just food, but a social experience to be joyfully shared. It’s simple, it’s delicious.

Without wanting to paraphrase our friends, Anne-So and Sylvain du Soleil des Bastides who have already mentioned it, here too it is the song “Perfect Day” by Lou Reed which can be associated with the everyday experience at home .

It’s not for nothing that these 2 words are tattooed on Thom’s forearm. In its suggestive lyrics and soothing melody, the song evokes an ideal day, full of simple and joyful moments. In the context of a family wilderness campsite, his words can echo the peaceful activities and simple pleasures of outdoor life.

The extract, taken at face value, “Just a perfect day, you made me forget myself” reflects the escape from daily routine, the pleasure of being with family in a natural setting, far from the hustle and bustle.

The soft and harmonious melody helps create a peaceful and contemplative atmosphere, matching our idea of ​​a family campsite where one can enjoy perfect days appreciating nature and sharing moments with loved ones. “Perfect Day” is the ideal soundtrack to illustrate the happy and simple moments experienced at Camping Du Vieux Château.

A hummingbird.

It is not endemic but images can travel.

The legend which features this tiny bird doing its part to put out a forest fire with a few drops of water carried in its beak, can be perfectly associated with the natural and sober image of our site.

The legend conveys a message of individual contribution where everyone, even in simple gestures, can play a role in the preservation of nature, ecosystems, local businesses, and tourism stakeholders.

The symbolism of the hummingbird also emphasizes delicacy and lightness, corresponding to the idea of ​​a natural and sober experience. By integrating this legend into the communication of our campsite, including in our logo, we reinforce the idea that each visitor, in harmony with nature, can contribute to the preservation of this natural space, thus creating a respectful atmosphere, a tourism sustainable and responsible.

We have 2: “simple is beautiful” and “leave more rested than you arrived”. All is said.